Australia tej neeg ntiav tsev nyob thiab tej lagluam ntiav chaw ua lagluam yuav tsis raug ntiab tawm 6 hli

Rental property

What you need to know about the mandatory safety check for rental homes in Victoria from March 29 Source: Getty Images

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Tsoom hwv Australia qhia tias yuav tsis pub tej tswv tsev thiab tswv chaw ntiab tej neeg ntiav tsev nyob thiab tej lagluam ntiav chaw siv ua luam tawm rau lub sij hawm 6 lub hli rau lub tsam thawj tseem muaj cov kab mob coronavirus (COVID-19) sib kis thoob ntuj no, tab sis yeej tau taw qhia kom 2 tog tig los sib khom seb yuav muaj peev xwm daws tej nqe them vaj tse no li cas thiab xav kom mus nrog Consumer Affairs tham.

Two person rules
Two person rules - Matt Smith-SBS Source: SBS

Yog koj tsis ua raws cov kev txwv tsis pub sib sau yuav raug nplua li cas: READ MORE

Stay home, stay safe, stay connected, save lives.
Stay home, stay safe, stay connected, save lives -Matt Smith-SBS Source: SBS

Yog koj xav paub txog qhov tseeb ntau yam cuam tshuam txog tus kab mob coronavirus (COVID-19) ntawm teb chaws Australia ces mua txheeb tau ntawm no: READ MORE

Xov xwm qhia txuas ntxiv:

Cov yam ntxwv mob tus kab mob no ces yuav mob ntsws me ntsis raws li tsoom hwv teb chaws Australia lub vas sa qhia. Thiab muaj cov yam ntxwv mob li ua npaws, hnoos, mob qa, nkees nkees thiab txog siav ua tsis tau pa. 

Koj muaj peev xwm txheeb tau ntau yam xov xwm tshiab txog cov kab mob coronavirus (COVID-19) ntawm tsoom hwv ntau cov social media platforms no:  thiab .

Txhua tus neeg Australia yuav tsum nyob kom sib nrug ntawm lwm tus neeg li 1.5 metres los yog thaum nyob hauv ib lub tsev los yog ib chav twg lawm yuav tau nyob kom nrug ntawm lwm tus neeg ib puag ncig yus 4 sab txog li 4 square metres.

Yog tias koj muaj cov yam ntxwv mob li no rau lub sij hawm 14 hnub tom qab kom mus txawv teb chaws rov qab los los sis yog ho tau mus tuav mus kov ib tug neeg uas raug txheeb tau tus kab mob COVID-19 no lawm ces tsim nyog koj yuav tsum mus nrhiav kev kho mob pab cuam.

Yog tias koj ntseeg tias tsim nyog koj mus sim seb puas kis tau tsu mob no, ces hu xov tooj nrog koj tus kws kho mob tham los yog hu rau tus xov tooj uas tswj thiab qhia txog cov xov xwm cuam tshuam txog tus kab mob Coronavirus no tau raws li tus zauv xov tooj 1800 020 080.

Thiab yog koj yuav tau cais koj tus kheej 14 hnub thiab xav tau zaub mov noj los yog khoom siv tu koj tus kheej lub cev kom huv si ces hu tau rau coronavirus hotline tus xov tooj 1800 675 398 tau.

Yog koj tsis muaj peev xwm ua tau pa yooj yim los yog hos muaj tej xwm txheej mob nkeeg kub ntaiv uas tsim nyog tau txais kev pab cuam sai ces hu rau tus zauv xov tooj 000.

Yog koj xav tau xov xwm kom ntxawv tshaj no ntxiv txog cov kab mob Coronavirus no ces koj muaj peev xwm txheeb tau ntawm  tau.
