Cov tshuaj vaccine coj los kho tus kab mob COVID-19

coronavirus, explainer, vaccines,

The southern hemisphere's first human trials of a potential coronavirus vaccine have started in Melbourne Source: Getty Images

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Thaum twg thiaj tsim tau cov tshuaj vaccine los siv tiv thaiv tus kab mob COVID-19?

  • Download tau lub app no ntawm  yog koj siv iPhone.
  • Download tau lub app no ntawm  yog koj siv Andriod phone.
Tam sim no twb muaj neeg Australian li ntawm 6 million tus tau download lub COIDSafe app no los siv lawm tab sis nom tswv Australia yeej xav kom muaj neeg yuav laug txog li ib nrab (10 million) tus download siv mas thiaj siv tau hauj lwm zoo.
Tsim nyog koj paug txog tej xo dab tsi rau lub caij muaj tus kab mob coronavirus no tseem sib kis thoob ntuj ntawm teb chaws Australia no:
Thiab tej neeg kis tau tus kab mob coronavirus ntawm teb chaws Australia no muaj li hauv qab no lawm:
Ntiaj teb kis thiab tas sim neej los ntawm tus kab mob COVID-19 npaum li no:
Ntiaj teb daim luaj chib lig (World map) qhia tias ib lub teb chaws twg kis tau tus mob no thiab tas sim neej coob npaum li cas :
Tsoom hwv Australia yeej tau xub tshwm cov nyiaj $1.1 billion health package coj los pab cov Medicare telehealth, zaub mov thiab chaw nyob rau tej neeg txom nyem thiab pab daws cov teeb meem nyuaj siab ntxhov plawv thiab tiv thaiv cov teeb meem kub ntxhov hauv lub cuab yig. Koj muaj peev xwm mus nrhiav tau tsoom hwv Australia cov xov xwm qhia txog cov kab mob COVID-tau ntawm  and .

Qhia qhov tseeb txog cov kab mob COVID-19: READ MORE

Hmoob tus kws kho mob cov tswv yim tiv thaiv kom koj txhob kis tus kab mob coronavirus (COVID-19): READ MORE


Txhua tus neeg ntawm teb chaws Australia yuav tsum nyob kom nrug ntawm lwm tus neeg deb li 1.5 metres, thiab nom tswv tsuas pub 2 tug neeg ua ke xwb tsuas yog tias ntshe tej neeg ntawd ho yog koj tsev neeg los yog koj yim neeg uas yog tib lub tsev ua ke xwb.

Tam sim no yeej muaj ntau cov COVID-19 clinics thoob teb chaws Australia no rau koj mus sim seb puas yog kis tus mob coronavirus no lawm. Yog koj ntseeg tias tej zaum koj kis tau tus kab mob virus no lawm, txhob mus ntsib koj tus kws kho mob tab sis hu mus nrog koj tus kw kho mob tham los yog hu mus rau lub koom haum National Coronavirus Health Information Hotline tus xov tooj 1800 020 080. Thiab yog koj txog txog siav ua tsis tau pa thiab mob hnyav heev ces hu rau tus xov tooj 000 thov kev pab cuam tau.

SBS yeej kub siab los qhia tej xov xwm tshiab txog cov kab mob coronavirus (COVID-19) ua 63 hom lus rau Australia tej neeg zej zog. Yog koj xav paub txog ntau yam xov xwm ua ntau hom lus ces koj mus txheeb xyuas tau ntawm thiab txheeb xyuas tau cov xov xwm no ua ntawv Hmoob thiab lus Hmoob ces mus saib tau ntawm SBS Hmong.
