Caum koj txoj kev npau suav

Lue Thao

Lue Thao in a dancing posture Source: Courtesy of Lue Finisher Thao

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Koj puas kam tso tseg koj txoj hauj lwm niaj hnub ua los ua yam kom nyiam koj ntshaw kom ua tiav raws koj txoj kev npau suav?

Mr. Lue Finisher Thao tau qhia tias vim yog nws tus lees kais dhau los tau ua rau nws nyiam thiab xav seev cev. Vim cov kev seev cev pab kom yus muaj kev lom zem, pab kom yus tau txais kev noj qab nyob zoo thiab yog tias yus seev cev tau zoo ces yuav pab kom yus muaj peev xwm siv tau los ua ib cov hauj lwm khwv tau nyiaj zoo thiab siv coj los ua tau lagluam tib si thiab.

Mloog thiab saib tau cov lus uas SBS Hmong Program tham nrog Lue Finisher Thao tau ntawm nod:

Cov kev paub kev pom li tau hais dhau los saum toj no thiaj ua rau Lwm Thoj hais tias thiaj ua rau nws ua ib siab tso tseg tsis ua nws txoj hauj lwm thiab tig los ua yam nws nyiam ua uas yog seev cev ntawd lawm.

Nws kuj tau teeb tsa nws lub business uas yog lub studion hu ua Cypherside, thiab mus qhia tej me nyuam seev cev ntawm teej kawm Johnny Jonson thiab mus koom cov proressional dancing competition rau tej koob tsheej tseem ceeb li US Super ball thiab NBA tournament ntawd. Piv txwv li yav tag los nws kuj tau mus seev cev rau US Super Bowl 52 Performer, NBA Minnesota Timberwolves Performer, Tori Kelly -Prince Tribute Concert Performer thiab Vanila Ice.

Saib tau Lwm Finisher Thoj cov kev seev cev nrog cov koob tsheej tseem ceeb li hais no tau ntawm no:

Dua ntawm nws cov kev los khiav thiab tswj nws cov lagluam ntiag tug lawm, nws tseem tau xyaum seev cev nrog nws tej phooj ywg thiab tau mus sib tw ntawm ntau lub xeev ntawm teb chaws America thiab xws li California, Minnesota thiab New York tib si.

You can also watch his extreme apology Hmong version which orginated by Japanese here:

Lwm hais tias yog yus xav ua yam yus nyiam thiab xav ua ces kom txhob mloog lwm tus neeg tsis hais yus tsev neeg los yog tej phooj ywg tib tab sis yuav tau mloog yus lub siab thiab txoj kev xav mas yus thiaj yuav ua tau. Ntxiv ntawd ces yuav tsum tau kub siab thiab rau siab ntso los ua yam yus xav ua ntawd thiaj li yuav tau tiav thiab tshwm sim ras los muaj tseeb tiag raws li yus txoj kev npau suav.

Dua ntawm Lwm Thoj lawm los yeej tseem muaj ntau tus hluas Hmoob muaj peev xwm thiab tshaj lij rau fab txuj seev cev no thiab.

Raws li Hmoob phau ntawv xov xwm TXHAWB uas Lab Yaj yog tus tswv tsim, ces nws kuj tau sau txog 2 kwv tij Hmoob Lauj uas muaj lub npe cuav M-Pact (Longka Lor) thiab VillN (Longkue Steven VillN Lor) los sis yog Hmong B-Boys uas tau coj txuj break dancing mus sib tw hauv ntiaj teb lub sam thiaj rau xyoo 2006 ntawm teb chaws Fabkis ces nkawv kuj yeej ua zum ib rau cov kev sib tw the Temple of Styles Competition ntawd thiab.

Ntxiv ntawd los nkawv kuj tau mus seev cev rau ntau tus neeg nqua yas suab muaj koob nto npe xws li The Taboo of the Blacked Eyed Peas, Taylor Swift, Christ Brown, Ariana Grnade and Nicki Minaj, dancing in hit music videos, the Billboard Music Awards thiab Saturday Night Live.

Kinjaz yog ib lub lagluam uas 2 kwv tij Hmoob Lauj no tsim. Nkawv qhia tias nkawv yeej tau ua tiav qee yam lawm tab sis yeej tseem tshuav ntau yam nkawv tseem xav ua kom tau ntxiv thiab.

Tab sis nkawv qhia tias cov khoom plig thiab lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb tshaj plaws mas yog nkawv xav yog 2 tug hluas Hmoob uas ua qauv piv txwv coj los txhawb siab thiab txhawb dag zog rau Hmoob tej hluas kom txhob tag kev cia siab thiab qhia rau lawv tias lawv los yeej muaj peev xwm yuav ua tau tiav thiab muaj yeej tib yam li nkawv tau thiab kom phaum hluas Hmoob ntxiv tom ntej no muaj peev xwm muab lawv txoj kev npau suav tig los ua tau ib yam dab tsi kom muaj tseeb tiag tiag.

Ob kwv tij Hmoob Lauj no tau qhia tias cov kev muaj yeej nkawv tau no tsis yog tau rau nkawv 2 leej kheej xwb tab sis tau rau nkawv lub zos Sacramento, rau nkawv tsev neeg, rau nkawv pab neeg seev cev Hmong B-Boys, rau Hmoob tej neeg zejzog thiab rau tej neeg nrog nkawv sib tw tib si thiab.

Nkawv qhia tias nkawv tsev neeg yog ib tug tseem ceeb tshaj plaws uas pab txhawb nqa thiab txhawb dej siab dej ntsws thiab txhawb dag zog mus txog rau tseem mus koom thiab saib nkawv cov kev sib tw tib si thiab ces thiaj ua rau nkawv muaj yeej zoo heev.

Ntxiv ntawd los yeej ntseem muaj ntau tus hluas Hmoob tshaj lij rau fab kev seev cev xws li Aiden Xiong uas tau mus koom Ellen DeGeneres cov shows thiab Shayna Vu thiab Lx Vang uas yog qee tus tau teev npe txog xwb tseem tshuav coob leej ntau tus ntxiv uas teev tsis tau txog lawv npe.#
