Hmoob coj tau duab yeeb yaj kiab nrog rau cov animation mus rau hauv Hollywood, Disney thiab Nickeleodon

Hmong take animation to Walt Disney

Hmong take animation to Walt Disney Source: YZV

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Hmong took film and animation to Disney, Hollywood and Marvel Comics as well as Nicleodon

Mloog tau 2 kwv tij Hmoob tau tsim tau ib pob duab yeeb yaj duab mus tso rau hauv Hollywood lawm tau ntawm no:



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Koj tseem mloog tau xov tooj cua SBS Radio Hmong Program rau 2 hnub hais los saud hauv Digital TV tshooj 38 thiab mloog tau hauv cov tshooj xov tooj cua li hauv qab no tau:

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Los yog hu xov tooj tuaj koom tham tawm tswv yim nrog SBS Radio Hmong Program tau txhua hnub zwj Feej txog zwj Hnub (Wednesday - Sunday) tau. Los sis hu xov tooj + 61 03 9949 2259   xav fax  rau + 61 3 9949 2385 thiab xa email tuaj rau ntawm xov tooj cua SBS Radio Hmong Program tau tib yam. Zoo siab tos txais txhua leej txhua tus.

