Settlement guide: Ceev faj nawb yog noj piam thaj ntau yuav ua rau koj muaj mob!


Khoom noj qab zib-Milkroman6 Source: Getty Images

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Cov kws paub zoo txog cov kev taw qhia tej neeg noj zaub mov thiab cov txiaj ntsim ntawm tej zaub mov nrog rau ib tug neeg mob ntshav qab zib cov tswv yim pab koj txo tsis txhob noj tej piam thaj ntau hauv koj tej zaub mov.

Twb muaj Australia cov neeg muaj hnoob nyoog tshaj 75% yog cov neeg lub cev muaj ceeb thawj los yog lub cev rog dhau heev lawm, thiab cov kws paub zoo txog fab kev noj qab haus huv ntseeg tias piam thaj yog ib feem ua rau muaj tej teeb meem no, tab sis ib tug neeg mob uas tau tus mob ntshav qab zib hom ob nrog rau cov kws paub zoo txog cov kev noj zaub mov thiab tej txiaj ntsim ntawm tej zaub mov muaj ib cov tswv yim los pab tau thiab.

Zekais (Professor) Timothy Gill ntawm txhooj faj lem Sydney University tau hais tias tam li peb yog leej tib neeg ces peb yeej xub pib nyiam noj khoom qab zib txij li thaum peb yug los thiab tau saj leej niam mis uas qab zib lawm.

Professor Gill tseem hais ntxiv tias cov neeg Arabic thiab African yog cov nyiam noj piam thaj ntau dua vim lawv yeej tsis tshua to taub zoo txog tej khoom noj txom ncauj thiab tej cakes tias muaj piam thaj xyaw ntau heev rau hauv.

Yog li nws thiaj xav kom sawv daws yuav tau kub siab los txheeb xyuas cov ntawv los rau ntawm cov pob khoom lawv yuav noj ntawd seb muaj piam thaj xyaw ntau npaum li cas.
" Professor Gill hais tias, piv txwv tias, yog peb txheeb pob khoom ntawd seb ntawm cov khoom noj ntawm 100 gram musj piam thaj pes tsawg grams xyaws, yog tias pob khoom ntaw qhia tias muaj piam thaj 10 grams xyaws rau 100 grams ntawm cov khoom siv los tsim yam khoom noj ntawd ces txhais tau tias twb muaj piaj thaj xyaw txog 250 grams los yog 9 diav teaspoon piam thaj xyaws rau pob khoom noj ntawd lawm."
Thiab nws xav kom tej neeg cais kom paub meej tseeb txog cov artificial sweeteners thiab cov piam thaj natural sugar ntawd.

Michelle Tong yog ib tug dietician ntawm nroog Brisbane cov neeg zejzog neeg Suav tau qhia tias nws yeej nyiam noj tej mov mog khoom txom ncauj. Tab sis cov muaj noob qoob loo los yog noob txiv noob zaub xyaw rau yog cov zoo dua cov uas muaj khoom qab zib xyaw uas tej neeg nyiam noj dua.

Alan Barclay uas yog ib tug kws  dietician thiab nutritionist uas tau sau 2 phau ntawv "Managing Type 2 Diabetes" and "The Ultimate Guide to Sugars & Sweeteners" tau qhia tis kom tej neeg tsis txhob qaug quav rau lwm hom qab zib uas tsis yog cov piam thaj tiag tiag xws li  rice syrup, sugars, and honey hais tias yog cov zoo dua.

Nws qhia tias vim cov khoom no tsuas pab kom yus muaj zog thiab cus ib ntus xwb tab sis yeej tsis tau minerals, vitamins los yog fibers apab rau yus lub cev. Cov khoom qab zib no yeej tseem yog lwm hom piam thaj txawv li glucose los sis dextrose uas ntiaj teb lub koom haum tswj kev noj qab haus huv (World Health Organization (WHO)) yeej tsis xav kom tej neeg noj thiab.

Tab sis qhov txaus txhawj xeeb tshaj ntawd ces yog Australia cov neeg hnoob nyoog tshaj 50 xyoo rov sauv yeej tau tej qab zib los ntawm cov dej qab zib soft drink ntau xwb. Ib poom dej qab zib twg twb muaj piam thaj xyaw txog 9 diav teaspoon lawm. Ntxiv ntawd los zoo li peb yeej tsis tshua kub siab txog tej piam thaj uas peb tov xyaws rau tej kasfes los yog dej tshuaj yej uas peb haus ntawd li thiab.

Michelle Tong tau hais tias kom haus kua txiv yuav zoo dua tab sis nws yeej xav kom tej neeg noj kiag cov txiv xyoob txiv ntoo tiag tiag li ib ob lub rau ib hnub yuav zoo tshaj haus tej kua txiv lawm thiab. Vim rau qhov yog yus noj ces yuav tsau ntev dua thiab tau cov qab zib tsawg dua thiab tau fiber rau yus lub cev, hos yog haus kua txiv ib khob ces twb tam li noj 3 lub txiv uas yuav tau cov piam thaj ntau dua lawm.
Professor Timothy Gill ntawm txhooj faj lem Sydney University tau hais tias " txawm li ntawd los peb tsis xav kom tej neeg uas twb tsis tshua nyiam noj txiv thiab noj zaub ntshai tsis kam noj tej txiv xyoob txiv ntoo thiab zaub no vim muaj tej piam thaj thiab."
David Fam uas yog ib tug neeg tau tus mob ntshav qab zib hom 2 los tau ntau caum lub xyoo qhia tias nws yeej muaj peev xwm tswj tau cov qab zib no thiab txawm yus noj piam thaj thiab carbohydrate los yus yeej muaj peev xwm tswj tau cov kab mob no yog tias yus nqua exercise lis nws tau ua yoga thiab ntau tennis 2 zaug rau ib limtiam thiab nws tseem tus thaj av quarter of acre ntawm nws lub tsev ntawd ces kuj tsis muaj teeb meem dab tsi vim tej qab zib yus noj ntawd twb raug siv tas lawm.

Yog tias koj xav tau xov xwm qhia txog tias yuav noj zaub mov li cas thiaj tau txais kev noj qab nyob zoo ces txheeb xyuas ntxiv tau ntawm Australia lub koom haum Kab mob ntshav qab zib lub vam sab ntawm nod tau los yog txheeb xyuas cov kev taw qhia txog cov kev noj zaub mov kom koj tau txais kev noj qab nyob zoo (Guide to Australia Healthy Eating) tau ntawm no
