Tourette Sydrome yog dab tsi?

Robyn Latimer

Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia's CEO Robyn Latimer Source: MediaCast

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Cov kab mob Tourette Sydrome yog cov kab mob zoo li cas? Vim li cas cov neeg tau tej kab mob no thiaj raug lwm tus thab zes thiab ua rau lawv thiab tej xwm txheej no tau ua rau cov neeg no ras los ua cov neeg nyuaj siab ntxhov plawv? Peb ho pab tau lawv li cas?

Mloog tau cov lus SBS Radio Hmong Prgram nrog lub koom haum Tourette Syndrome tus coj Robyn Latimer tham uas lus Askiv tau ntawm no:

Tourette Syndrome (TS) yog ib cov kab mob mob rau tej paj hlwb muaj tej chemical ntau heev uas tsis paub tias yog cov twg tau  ua rau cov  me nyuam yaus txij 8 xyoo txog 14 xyoos thiab ib txhia neeg muaj teeb meem tsis muaj peev xwm tswj tau lawv tej cuj pwm, tswj tsis tau lawv lub cev, tswj tsis tau lawv cov kev hais lus thiab cov kev xav los yog yam lawv ua ces thiaj muaj teeb meem rau lawv lub neej thiab tseem raug lwm tus thab zes ntxiv.

Piv txwv li tej suab uas lawv tswj tsis tau, ntsais muaj thij thij, tsa xwb pwg, nyob nyob lam hais lus phem yam tsis faj uas yuav ua rau lawv raug teeb meem lwm tus thab zes lawv thiab ua rau lawv nyuaj siab ntxhov plawv, tawv ncauj tsis mloog hais, kawm tsis tau ntawv zoo, muaj teeb meem rau lawv cov kev sib txuas lus thiab kev sib raug zoo nrog lwm tus tsis hais tom vaj tse los yog tom teej kawm.

Raws li America lub koom haum CDC-Center for Disease Control and Prevention tau qhia, ces cov me nyuam los yog tej hluas muaj tau cov kab mob (TS ) no raug cov teeb meem ADHD 63% Attention Deficient Hyeractivity Disorder, muaj teeb meem nyuaj siab ntxhov plawv txog 49% thiab muaj teeb meem ua rau lawv tsis muaj peev xwm kawm tau txog 47%.  Thiab ABS  (Australian Bureau of Statistics) tau qhia tias muaj Australia tej me nyuam yaus txog li 47 txheeb tus tau cov kab mob no.

Cov me nyuam tau cov kab mob TS uas muaj cov yam ntxwv ADHD, Obsess Compulsive (OC), nrog rau Oppossitional Defient Disorder (ODD) thiab CD (Conduct Disorder) ces yuav uas ua rau lawv muaj teeb meem tswj tsis tau siab tus ua ib yam dab tsi thiab tswj tsis tau lawv tej cuj pwm los yog ua rau lawv ua tej yam dab tsi yam tsis nco xav tso mam ua,   los sis tej zaum lawv kub siab rau ib yam twg dhau heev lawm thiaj ua rau lawv nias siab rau ib yam twg tsis tau thiab coj cuj pwm tsis tus  li cam ncauj tsis mloog lwm tus hais, tsis ua raws cai, cem thiab txhawb khoom rau lwm tus yam tsis nco xav, thab lwm tus, ntaus lwm tus, tom lwm tus, ncaws lwm tus los yog cia li nthe, qw, thiab foom lwm tus uas rau lawv ntsib teeb meem tom vaj tse, teej kawm thiab nrog lawv tej phooj ywg.

Vim tej teeb meem hais los no txog rau lub plua Tourette Syndrome Awareness Week txij tim 6-12 May, ces lub koom haum Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia tus coj thiaj xav qhia rau sawv daws kom paub txog cov teeb meem no thiab los tiv thaiv kom cov neeg no txhob tuam txhob ua phem los yog txhob thab zes lawv kom thiaj tsis muaj teeb meem nyuaj siab ntxhov plawv rau tej neeg no thiab lawv lub neej vim lawv twb ntsib tej teeb meem no txaus lawm.

TS yog ib cov yam ntxwv mob hlwb ua rau muaj teeb meem ntau yam rau cov me nyumm yaus ua rau muaj teeb meem rau tej neeg lub neej vim muaj cov chemical ua rau tej neeg ua rau muaj tej yam ntxwv txawv uas yus tswj tsis tau, qw, nthe,  ua qaj,  xuav, thiab pheej hais lus phem yam tsis nco faj twb ua tag lawm.

Cobyn Latimer uas yog tus coj TSAA ua cov hauj lwm los tau 10 lub xyoo thiab nws ho ua tau dab tsi tiav.

Ms. Latimer hais tias  lawv kuj tsim tau cov podcasts, xov xwm qhia txog cov TS thiab tej xov xwm qhia kom paub nrog tej me nyuam muaj TS kom totaub, GP los yeej muaj tej xov xwm no thiab muaj huav TSAA lub website thiab mus teeb sam thiaj tham qhia toxg tej xov xwm no rau zej tsoom. Tab sis ho pab daws puas tau tej teeb meem no?

Ms. Latimer hais tias.  Muaj cov supports groups , close Facebook group, camps, volunteer thiab selffund ces thiaj work online kom muaj xov xwm xwm rau tej neeg los yog muaj muag rau tej neeg. Cov zoo yog hauv online kom nrhiav tau tej xov xwm yooj yim thiab share rau tej teej kawm, tej phooj ywg los yog cov tswv lagluam kom paub txog tej teeb meem no.

Tab sis tseem muaj neeg ntaus nqe yuam kev rau cov kab mob TS no thiab ho yuav daws li cas?

Ms. Latimer hais tias vim tej neeg tsi totaub TS yog dab tsi thiaj xav kom mus xyuas ntawm kom tau tej xov xwm teacher medical los tau tej xov xwm no . yog li yog thaum tej neeg tsis paub ces lawv ntshai tab sis yog paub lawm ces kuj tsis tshai tej teeb meem no ntxiv lawm.

Tab sis cov neeg tau cov kab mob no tseem raug lwm tus thab zes ntxiv thiab. Yog vim li cas thiaj tseem muaj neeg thab zes lawv ntxiv? Yuav daws li cas?

Ms. Latimer hais tias vim lawv txawv, thiab tsis swm thiab tsis paub tias yog dab tsi yeej tib yam li tej me nyuam mob hawb pob xwb tab sis vim lawv tsis paub ces lawv thiaj qog qab...yog li lees kais yuav tsum kub siab los nrog xyuas thiab siv cai txwv tsis pub thab zes tej me nyuam no thiab yuav tsum mloog lawv hais thiab qhia txog lawv tej teeb meem no kom txhob muaj rau lawv.

Tab sis txog lub caij Tourette Sydndrome Awareness Week 6-12 May no Ms. Latimer ho xav xa moo dab tsi rau tej neeg zejzog?

Ms. Latimer hais tias  xyoo 2018 cov lus yog  eat sleep tick repeat...yog ib cov yam ntxwv tshwm sim rau tej neeg no tas li yog li thiaj xav kom tej neeg totaub eat sleep tease sleep help...kom tej neeg paub txog cov yam ntxwv mob no. los yog tease and supports uas tej neeg zejzog Tease to support thiab bullying to understanding kom pab tau tej neeg tau TS ua tau lub neej zoo dua tuaj ntxiv.  Tab sis ho puas muaj kev kho tau thiab?

Ms. Latimer hais tias tseem tsis tau muaj ib cov hauv kev kho kom zoo kiag los yog  thiab tsis muaj kiag ib cov tshuaj kho tsi ntsees kom zoo tab sis muaj cov treatment kho kom ntaug me ntsi xwb tab sis tej neeg tau TS yeej sib txawv li goga, sports, things make them feel relax thiab regular base thiaj pab tau lawv. Medication thiab psychological therapies yog cov xub ke pab.  Dua ntawm tej hais no lawm yuav nrhiav kev pab cuam thiab xov xwm qhov twg ntxiv?

Ms. Latimer hais tias TSAA yog tib lub koom haum pab cov neeg no hauv Australia xwb tab sis mus cuag GP kom xa mus ntsib Psychologist, occupational therapist pab lawv ntxiv.#

Mloog tau xov xwm ua lus Hmoob ntawm xov tooj cua SBS Radio Hmong Program ntxiv tau rau ntawm lub vas sab   rau ob hnub xws li hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6pm AEDT-Australian Eastern Standard Time thiab hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 am AEDT; download tau SBS Radio App kom koj mloog tau xov tooj cua SBS Radio Hmong Program tau ntawm App Store  thiab ntawm Google Play  los yog download xov xwm kaw ua suab (Podcasts) ua lus Hmoob thiab lus Askiv tau ntawm  los sis tuaj koom ua tub koom siab thiab koom mloog tau tau ntawm #SBSHmong lub Facebook page  tau.
