Qhov muag tsis pom kev (Vision loss)

Australia's vision loss by 2020.

Number of Australian who are expected to lose their visions by 2020-Michael Kalloniatis-Centre for Eye Health Source: ABS and NEHS 2016

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Cov kev tsis pom kev tau tsim teeb meem ntau yam rau tej neeg, tab sis txawm li cas los peb yej muaj peev xwm tiv thaiv thiab pov puag tau kom txhob muaj tej teeb meem no.

Raws li cov kev teeb txheeb txog Australia cov teeb meem tej neeg qhov muag tsis kev xyoo 2016 (National Eye Health Survery 2016 - NEHS 2016) tau qhia, xyoo 2014 ntawd tsoom hwv Australia lub tuam chav tswj kev noj qab hau huv tau tsim ib cov tswv yim coj los daws Australia cov teeb meem qhov muag tsis pom kev hu ua "National Framework for Action to Promote Eye Health and Prevent Avoidable Blindness and Vision Loss”, tab sis tsis muaj tej xov xwm tshiab coj los siv lis tej teeb meem no, ces thiaj tau ua rau muaj cov kev koom tes los ntawm ntau lub chaw teeb txheeb txog qhov muag, tej koom haum pab cuam, tej koom haum ntiag tug thiab tsoom hwv Australia tau los koom tes tsim cov kev teeb txheeb txog Australia cov teeb meem qhov muag tsis pom kev xyoo 2016 (National Eye Health Survey 2016).

tsab ntawv cej luam tau qhia tias "ntiaj teb muaj neeg txog li 191 roob (million) tus neeg qhov muag tsis pom kev thiab muaj txog 32 roob (million) tus yeej dig muag lawm tsis pom kev li lawm. Tab sis kuj pom tau tias muaj peev xwm yuav tiv thaiv tau tej teeb meem no txog li 80% thiab yog xub txheeb tau los yog paub thaum ntxov."

Tau muaj ib cov kev sib teeb txheeb tshiab uas sib koom ua ke ntawm ob lubkoom hau uas yog Centre for Eye Health thiab Guide Dogs NSW/ACT tshawb tau tias "txhua txhuas hnub twg yeej muaj ib tug neeg Australia twg paub tias muaj lawv ib tug txheeb zes los yog lawv ib tug neeg hlub tshua los yog lawv tej phooj ywg ib tug twg yeej muaj cov teeb meem qhov muag tsis pom kev, thiab txog xyoo 2020 2020 no ces yuav muaj tshaj 500,000 txheeb tus neeg Australia qhov muag tsis pom kev zoo lawm."

"Cov kev teeb txheeb no tseem tau qhia ntxiv tias, muaj cov neeg qhov muag tsis tshua pom kev no txog 67% nyuaj siab ntxhov plawv thiab mloog tau tias lawv nyob ib leej kho siab khuav xwb vim tej zaum lawv rau lwm tus faib cai los yog raug lwm tus thab zes, thiab cov teeb meem no ua rau lawv poob hauj lwm los yog ua tsis tau lub neej li qhov lawv xav ua ntawd. Muaj cov neeg no txog 75% yeej txhawj xeeb txog ntau yam hauv lawv lub neej thiab txhua txhua ib tug ntawm 10 tus neeg no mloog tau tias lawv nyob twm zeej thiab kho siab khuav txhua hnub. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj ntawd tau muaj cov neeg qhov muag tsis pom kev no txog 92% qhia tias tsim nyog lub teb chaws no yuav tsum tau lees paub tias lawv tsis muaj peev xwm ua tau lub neej yooj yim rau ib hnub twg li."
Causes of vision impairment and blindness
Causes of vision impairment in Australia by 2020-Michael Kalloniatis CEO of the Centre for Eye Health-ABS-NEHS 2016 Source: ABS and NEHS 2016
Yeej muaj ntau cov chiv keeb tau tsim tej teeb meem ntau yam yuav ua rau tej neeg qhov muag tsis pom kev raws li Michael Kalloniatis uas yog tus coj ntawm lub koom haum Centre for Eye Health tau qhia.

"Kuj yog cov teeb meem uncorrected refractive error (long or short-sightedness) uas ua rau peb tsis pom ze los yog deb ntawd, macular degeneration ces yog cov teeb meem qhov muag tsis pom kev thaum yus laus thiab qhov muag tsis zoo lawm, vim lub ntsiab muag tsis ua hauj lwm zoo, ntxiv ntawd ces yog cataract los yog daim iav hauv peb lub qhov muag plooj los yog tsis zoo lawm, thiab tseem cuam tshuam los ntawm cov kab mob ntshav qab zib hom ib thiab hom ob ntawd nrog thiab-vim tej neeg tsis kub siab noj zaub mov zoo pab rau lawv lub cev thiab tsis mus qoj ib ce kom tawm hws ces thiaj muaj teeb meem rau lawv lub qhov muag thiab."

"Ntxiv ntawd los yog vim muaj cov teeb meem lub cev rog muaj ceeb thawj ntawm cov teb chaws vam meej ntau lus uas muaj Australia nrog ntawd thiab, raws li Kalloniatis tau qhia, ces thiaj ua rau muaj neeg tau cov kab mob ntshav qab zib ntau tuaj ntxiv thiab ua rau muaj lwm yam mob ntev (Mob plawv, ntshav siab, ntshav qab zib) uas ua rau peb muaj teeb meem rau peb lub cev thiab txoj kev noj qab haus huv thiab ua rau muaj teeb meem rau peb lub qhov muag tau. Vim cov qab zib ntau hauv ntshav, thiab cov hlab ntsha nruj heev ntawm peb lub qab qhov muag ces tej zaum kuj tawg tsob ntshav los yog ua rau cov hlab txais kev paub ntawm qab qhov muag tsis ua hauj lwm zoo ces thiaj ua rau peb qhov muag tsis pom kev thiab."

Mloog tau cov kev pab cuam rau cov neeg qhov muag tsis pom kev uas Liela Davis ntawm lub koom haum the Guide Dog NSW/ACT nrog SBS Radio Hmong Program tham tau ua lus Askiv tau ntawm no: https://www.sbs.com.au/yourlanguage/services/embeds/audioplayer/0f6f5c87-06ea-4854-8396-3beb62ccd4f6

Txawm tias yeej tsis muaj pov thawj qhia kiag tau tias cov kev saib television, saib computer desktop los yog kov xov tooj ntawm tes (Smartphone) thiab tej tablets ntawd ua rau peb qhov muag muaj teeb meem dab tsi los yeej muaj ib cov pov thawj tim khawv uas tsis paub meej yeej tau qhia tias yuav ua rau peb qhov muag tsis pom kev thaum peb saib ze ze lawm.

Dr. Kalloniatis uas yog ib tug kws kho mob paub zoo txog cov qhov muag no thiaj hais tias yeej tau muaj ib cov kev teeb txheeb ntawm Australia thiab cov teb chaws Southeast Asia tau qhia lawm tias, yog peb cia peb tej me nyuam mus dhia ua si nraum zoov ces kuj yuav pab kom lawv txhob raug tej teeb meem no me ntsis thiab.

Teb chaws Australia yog ib lub tshav ntuj heev hais tsi ntsees rau sab qaum teb ze equator ntawd thiaj xav kom tej neeg yuav tau coj tsom hiav, ntoo koom mom, nrhiav chaw ntxoov ntxoo nkaum thiaj yuav pab tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob muaj teeb meem ua rau peb lub qhov muag tsis pom kev.

Dr Michael Kalloniatis uas yog tus coj lub koom haum the Centre for Eye Health hais tias "Cov teeb meem qhov muaj tsis pom kev ntawv ib nrab txog li 250,000 tus ntawd yog cuam tshuam rau hnoob nyoog, uas ua rau tej neeg tsis tshua pom kev zoo los yog dig muag tsis pom kev li lawm. Hos cov seem ib nrab ntawd ces yog cov urelted refractive error uas peb lub qhov muag tsis pom ze los yog tsis pom deb ntawd uas yuav tau coj tsom iav ntawd. Kuj muaj ib txhia neeg muaj hnoob nyoog uas tseem ua hauj lwm ntawd los kuj muaj teeb meem qhov muag tsis pom kev thiab vim lawv muaj cov mob ntshav qab zib thiab."

Yog li ntawd Dr Kalloniatis thiaj xav kom cov neeg uas muaj keeb kwm ntawm lawv tsev neeg uas muaj ib tug twg qhov muag tsis pom kev los yog txhob txwm mus ntsib thiab sab laj los sis ntsuam xyuas lawv tej qhov muag nrog cov kws kho qhov muag tsis hais yog Optametrist los yog cov Opthamologits ntawd kom sai, vim muaj ib txhia teeb meem qhov muag tsis pom kev no tos thaum txheeb tau tias lawv tsis pom kev no ces twb lig dhau lawm uas tsim nyog lawv yuav tau xub kub siab thaum ntxov kom thiaj lug hla thiab tiv thaiv kom txhob muaj tej teeb meem no tau.
