Yuav tau npaj dab tsi thaum koj xav tsiv ntawm tsev loj mus nyob tsev me? What to consider when it comes to downsizing?

And woman carrying a packing box into her new home

And woman carrying a packing box into her new home Source: Digital Vision

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Cov kws paub zoo txog lagluam vaj tse thiab tawm tsev tau qhia tias tej zaum cov kev tsiv tsev tseem yuav ua rau yus poob nyiaj ntau tshaj tej txiaj ntsim yuav tau txais ntawd thiab. Yog li yog tias koj npaj yuav hloov tsev loj mus nyob tsev me rau lub caij koj so tsis ua hauj lwm, ces yuav tsum tau pib npaj thaum tseem ntxov zoo dua.
