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Erin Rhoads

Zero waste lifestyle-The Rogue Ginger-Erin Rhoads-MediaCast Source: MediaCast

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Erin Rhoads tau muaj kev pauv hloov nws lub neej ntawm qab teg ua qaum tes tom qab nws tau saib daim yeeb yaj duab "Clean Bin Project" lawm. Tab sis peb puas yuav muaj peev xwm uua tau lub neej tsis tsim khoom seem txheej thiab tsis siv roj hmab kom txhob paug tsuas rau tej ib puag ncig hlo li? Yog peb ua lub neej li hais no ne peb ho yuav plam txiaj ntsim dab tsi los ho yuav tau txais txiaj ntsim dab tsi?
