Language as Resistance Panel Yarn on preserving Indigenous languages through art


Dr Vicki Couzens is a Keerray Woorroong Gunditjmara multi-media artist. She has been instrumental in the revival of the possum skin cloak a significant icon and collective symbol of Aboriginal cultures across south eastern Australia.

This Wednesday, March 20th, Footscray Art Centre will host the Language as Resistance Panel yarn exploring the intersections of language, identity, and activism in art highlighting; the power of language in cultural preservation and resistance against colonial legacies

Leading up to the event, NITV Radio caught up with two of the event panellists Aunty Vicki Couzens and Allara Briggs Pattison.
Allara Briggs Pattison, a Yorta Yorta artist, weaves healing textures through music, addressing themes of Blak justice and sovereignty
They explained that they will discuss the importance of revitalizing Indigenous languages and challenging the dominance of English in the art world.
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Mayunkiki is an Ainu artist from Japan who challenges the dominance of English in the art world, seeing it as a relic of colonial history (Manyunkiki is Footscray Art Centre International Artist in Residence)
Through collaboration and cultural preservation, Language as Resistance Panel Yarn aims to amplify Indigenous voices and promote recognition of diverse linguistic expressions in global art communities.
Kanoko Tamura is an Art Translator who explores the nuances of communication across cultures and languages
