Tala faasolopito i le nofoia e tagata Iutaia o le West Bank


epa10467707 A picture taken with a drone shows a construction site of a new neighborhood in the Neve Daniel settlement, in the Gush Etzion settlement block at the West Bank, 15 February 2023. In response to recent attacks by Palestinians against Jewish citizens, Israeli cabinet legalised nine Israeli settlement outposts in the West Bank and approved the extensive construction of 10,000 new housing units and expansion of settlements in the West Bank. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Credit: ABIR SULTAN/EPA

Ona o le vaevaeina i pa o 'a'ai ma nu'u o tagata Iutaia i Palesitina, o le a matua faigata ai ona faavae se malo tuma'oti o Palesitina.

E pei ona saunoa Amy Maguire o le mata'upu International Law i le Iunivesite o Newcastle, e le mafai se'i vagana ua tala uma i lalo fale ma sua 'ese auala na fausia e le malo Isaraelu mo ona tagata i 'ele'ele o Palesitina.

O le to'atele o tagata Iutaia o loo nofoia 'a'ai fou nei i le West Bank ma Ierusalema i Sasa'e, o tagata o loo talitonu o lo latou tofi lea ona o lw West Bank o Iuta ma Samaria i le feagaiga tuai.
