Want to speak to Santa? Here's how you can call the man in the big red suit

Don't fancy sending Santa a letter or visiting him at a shopping centre? Australians are being offered another way to share their wish list directly with Father Christmas.

A child in a blue dress makes a call on a payphone

Australians of all ages can call Santa for free until Christmas Eve, via any Telstra payphone. Source: Supplied / Telstra

Key Points
  • People in Australia can call Santa for free via any Telstra payphone.
  • Callers can share their wish list with Father Christmas and tell him if they've been naughty or nice this year.
  • It's hoped the offer will teach children how payphones work should they need to use one in an emergency.
Christmas is only a little over a month away, meaning it's not long until Santa will be sliding down your chimney.

Those who don't fancy tackling massive shopping centre crowds or risking their letter getting lost on the way to the North Pole will have another way to share their Christmas wish list with Santa — via one of Telstra's 14,500 free payphones.

The man in the big red suit will be available to chat at any time of the day or night, depending on how late you're allowed to stay up.

"You can call Santa 24/7 right through to Christmas Eve," Telstra retail and regional executive Jana Kotatko said.
There's no age limit, meaning those who are young at heart can also speak with Father Christmas.

Kotatko said her call with Santa was "a fun and exciting experience".

After being asked what her name was and whether she'd been naughty or nice this year, she shared what was top of her Christmas wish list.

"I suggested that perhaps a new pair of skis was on the cards and I love that he asked me where my favourite place to ski was," she said.

"We had a bit of a banter, and then he had to go because there were obviously lots of other kids trying to call him."
Santa standing in front of a payphone near the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Telstra has switched on its direct line to the North Pole so Australians of all ages can call Santa. Source: Supplied / Telstra
Telstra is hoping that teaching children how to use payphones in "a really fun and engaging and magical way" will mean they're more prepared should they need to contact a parent or caregiver in an emergency," Kotatko said.

"There are a lot of kids out there ... all they've known is a smartphone," she said.

"Learning how to locate your nearest payphone and know how to use a traditional phone is a really important skill."

How can you call Santa and is it accessible for everyone?

From 15 November until 24 December, anyone who dials # HO HO HO (#464646) from any Telstra payphone across Australia will be put through to Santa's workshop in the North Pole.

You can find your nearest payphone .

Telstra said all of its payphones are wheelchair accessible and the keypads have raised dimples for people with low vision.
The volume on the phones is adjustable, although they don't have a hearing loop feature.

People who are Deaf, hard of hearing, or have another communication disability can call Santa using one of Telstra's teletypewriter (TTY) payphones.

Unfortunately for those who speak a different language, calls to Santa are only available in English right now.

3 min read
Published 15 November 2023 4:41pm
By Amy Hall
Source: SBS News

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