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Yuav ua li cas thiaj pov puag tau koj tej xov xwm ntiag tug thaum koj siv social media li Facebook thiab tej vas sab ntawd?

Raws li phau ntawv xov xwm Telegraph tau qhia, txij thaum tau muaj Askiv lub tuam txhab Cambridge Analytica uas yog ib lub tuam txhab tawm tswv yim pab fab laj fai kum xeeb rau teb chaws America tau muaj feem cuam tsuam rau cov neeg America 50 roob tus tej xov xwm paim quav uas cuam tshuam txog America tus thawj tsav meem cov kev sib tw xaiv tsa los ua nom teb chaws xyoo 2016 ntawd, lub tuam txhab no tau muab nws tus coj rho tawm hauj lwm lawm vim lawv kaw tau nws ib cov lus cuam tshuam txog cov teeb meem no.

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Ntawm teb chaws Australia los kuj tau muaj neeg nqua hu kom tsoom hwv kho nws tsab cai Privacy Act kom nruj ntxiv coj los tswj cov tuam txhab uas pheej ua tej neeg ntiag tug tej xov xwm paim quav ntawd tab sis tsoom hwv Australia qhia tias nws yuav tsis kho dab tsi tam sim no.

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Tab sis tej neeg txawj txeeg paub txog txoj kev nyab xeeb rau cov kev siv online thiab internet hais tias yeej tsis muaj neeg kub siab los ua tej hais dhau los no kom thiaj li yuav muaj peev xwm tswj tau kev ruaj ntseg thiab kev nyab xeeb rau lawv li.

Tsis tas li no lawv tseem tau hais ntxiv tias yog peb tsis paub thiab tsis totaub txog tej tuam txhab lagluam social media tej qauv lagluam tias lawv ua li cas, khaws peb tej xov xwm li cas coj mus siv li cas yam tsis tau txais kev tso cai ntawm peb ces kuj yuav ua rau peb raug teeb meem phom sij thiab pheej hmoo tau. Yog li thiaj tsim nyog peb yuav tau sawv los tawm tsam pov puag peb txoj cai thiab tsoom hwv los yog tej tuam txhab social media los yuav tsum tau kub siab los nrog xyuas tib yam kom txhob muaj tej teeb meem txuam yuaj ua rau tej neeg siv cov social media no tej xov xwm ntiag tug paim quav thiab raug lwm tus coj mus siv yam tsis raug kev raug cai.#

Koj muaj peev xwm mloog tau cov xov xwm ua lus Hmoob los yog lus Askiv (English) tau raws li cov vam sab hauv qab no:

Mloog tau cov program ib teev tag nrho rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) thiab zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11am AEST ntawm:  

Koj muaj peev xwm download cov xov xwm ua ib zaj ib zaj ua lub Hmoob thiab lus Askiv (English) los yog mloog tau ntawm:    

Mus download tau SBS Radio app tau hauv Google Play thiab App Store ntawm   tso rau koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes ces mloog tau rau 2 hnub hais dhau los saum toj no. Los yog koj muaj lus nug cuam tshuam txog cov kev siv SBS Radio app ces saib thiab nyeem tau ntawm no ntxiv  

Tuaj ua tub koom siab thiab caum SBShmong qab hauv SBSHmong Facebook page, tuaj nyem nyiam (Click like) tuaj faib (Share) SBShmong cov xov xwm rau koj tej phooj ywg thiab tawm tswv yim (Comment) ntawm 

Thiab yog koj xav share thiab qhia koj zaj dab neeg thiab xov xwm rau xov tooj cua SBS Hmong Program tshaj thiab nthuav rau ib tsoom Hmoob sawv daws tau mloog kom sawvdaws ho hnov txog ces hu xov tooj rau +61 3 9949 2259 nrog SBS Radio Hmong Program tham tau. Los sis xav SMS rau + 61 (0) 429996263 tau los yog xa koj cov lus tawm tswv yim rau tau.

Koj muaj peev xwm mloog tau cov xov tooj cua tau raws li lub vam sab ntawm no:

HOBART = 105.7FM

MELBOURNE = 93.1FM / 1224 AM

CANBERRA = 105.5FM / 1440 AM

SYDNEY = 97.7FM / 1107 AM



CAIRNS = 90.5 FM

DARWIN = 100.9FM

PERTH = 96.9FM

SA = 106.3 FM

Thiab tseem mloog tau ntawm digital TV tshooj 38 ntxiv thiab.
