Xov xwm hnub zwj Cag (Saturday news) 2019.07.20: Tawm tsam pab neeg thoj nam, Suav txhom neeg Australian, Iran thiab Askiv (UK) cov nkoj thauj roj, Donald Trump cov lus ntxub ntxaug, Japan cov teeb meem kub hnyiab

Trump’s racial tweet

Donald Trump cov lus sau hauv Tweeter raug lwm tus ntaus nqe tias yog cov kev ntxub ntxaug lwm haiv neeg. Tab sis nws teb tias tsis yog cov lus ntxub ntxaug Source: The New York Times

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Tawm tsam pab neeg thoj nam, Suav txhom neeg Australian, Iran thiab Askiv (UK) cov nkoj thauj roj, Donald Trump cov lus ntxub ntxaug, Japan cov teeb meem kub hnyiab.

Mloog tau ntau yam xov xwm ua lus Hmoob thiab lus Askiv tau raws li hauv qab no:
