Council rejects fertiliser depot development next to Griffith Sikh Gurdwara

Gurdwara sahib aerial view

Gurdwara sahib aerial view Source: GoogleMap

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Commenting following Council's decision Mr Jasveer Chahal said in an interview with SBS Punjabi that the community is very pleased with the outcome and they appreciate Council's insight for looking at the greater good of the community. SBS Punjabi's Preetinder Singh Grewal reports…

Plans for a fertiliser depot next to Griffith Sikh Gurdwara have been rejected by Griffith City Council after fierce public opposition.

More than 500 local members put their objection against the purposed facility citing concerns over the impact on potential human health.
After the council rejection, the local community has a sigh of relief as they were worried about the potential hazards from the Terra Ags rural supplies facility next to their residences and place of worship.
Council went against the recommendations made by an Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel that advised it approve the development application, subject to a number of conditions.

The panel was appointed by Council to avoid a potential conflict of interest and was advisory only, meaning the final decision still lay with Council.

According to Area News, only seven members of council voted on the development application to build the rural supplies business next to the temple at Councils meeting on Tuesday night.

The other councillors present on the night declared a conflict of interest and left the chamber.
With inputs from Hannah Higgins and Stephen Mudd from Area News Griffith
