Protect yourself against scammers



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The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging visa holders and Australian citizens to hang up on fraudulent phone calls from scammers. Here we have a conversation with Deewan Som Nath who talks about a suspicious phone call he attended this week. Preetinder Grewal reports….

How to protect against scammers:

Don't respond: Ignore suspicious emails, letters, house visits, phone calls or SMS - press delete, throw them out, shut the door or just hang up.

Watch out for slick tricks: Scammers use sophisticated tricks to fool you such as fake websites, glossy brochures, technical jargon or posing as someone that you know and trust - dont fall for them!

Dont let scammers push your buttons: Scammers will play on your emotions to get what they want.

Protect your identity: Your personal details are private and invaluable - keep them that way and away from scammers.

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